True-Terrain 4.0 offers 2 different types of Shader. Image based (Textures) and Procedural (Built inside Blender). Procedural textures can be subject to changes over time or not working due to Blender updates. If this happens, we will address this as soon as we can.
All the setting OPTIONS will stay the same across image based shaders. Procedural based shaders will have different setting values to allow for more control and possibilities. RESULTS WILL VARY
Image Texture Shader Settings

- Wetness: (0 to 1) The amount of ‘wet’ effect that is applied to the shader
- Normal Strength: The intensity of the normal map value
- Displacement Strength: The intensity of the displacement
- Displacement Midlevel: Neutral displacement value that causes no displacement. Lower values than the default (0.330) will cause the surfaces to be pushed inwards, and higher values will push them outwards. Can go below 0 to offset higher displacement values
PBR Fixer 0 OR 1 ONLY:
- Normal Map Fixer: Flips the Normal Map from Open GL to Direct X Vice Versa
- Roughness Fix: Flips the black and white values (Roughness map to Glossy Map Vice Versa)
- Specular Fix: Flips the Black and white Values (Specularity to Reflection Map or Vice versa)
Color Variance:
- Light Spots: (0-1) The amount of light spots applied to the shader
- Dark Spots: (0-1) The amount of dark spots applied to the shader
- Location Seed: Changes the location pattern of the seed
- Strata: The amount of strata (layering) applied to the shader
- Amount: The amount of spots applied to the shader
- Distort: The amount of distortion applied to the shader
- Translate Y: Moves the image along the Y-axis (up/down)
- Translate X: Moves the image along the X-axis (left/right)
- Global Rotate: Rotates the image
- Texture Scaling: Scales the size of the image texture
- Use UV map: (0 to 1) Unwraps the 3D object and applies 2D texture
- Anti-Tile: (0 to 1) Applies anti-tiling pattern to texture
- Anti-Tile Seed: Changes the pattern the noise will have
- Anti-Tile Seam Noise: The amount of anti-tile seam noise applied to the shader
Procedural Texture Image Settings
Complete Desert 001

- Subsurface Scattering (SLOW): (0 to 1) The amount of Subsurface scattering applied to the shader. WARNING: may affect performance issues
- SSS Amount: The amount of subsurface scattering applied to the shader
- Wetness: The amount of wetness applied to the shader
- Wet Patches Amount: The amount of wet patches applied to the shader
- Wetness Random Seed: Randomises the wetness seed
- Overall Hue: Changes the overall hue of the shader
- Overall Saturation: Changes the overall saturation of the shader
- Overall Lightness: Changes the overall lightness of the shader
Big Rocks:
- Size: Changes the size of the big rocks on the texture
- Amount: Changes the amount of big rocks on the texture
- Squash: Squashes the big rocks on the texture
- Random Location Seed: Randomizes the pattern of the big rocks on the texture
- Hue: Changes the hue of the big rocks
- Saturation: Changes the saturation of the big rocks
- Lightness: Changes the lightness of the big rocks
Ground and Dirt:
- Amount of bumpy bits: Changes the amount of bumpy bits on the ground and dirt
- Random Location of patches for dirt: Randomizes the location of the patches of dirt on the texture
- Amount of soil patches: The amount of soil patches on the texture
- Evenly Cover Soil: Changes the soil on the texture evenly
- Soil to Higher Areas: The amount of soil applied on higher areas of the texture
- Hue: Changes the hue of the ground and dirt
- Saturation: Changes the saturation of the ground and dirt
- Lightness: Changes the lightness of the ground and dirt
Surface Debris:
- Amount: The amount of surface debris applied to the texture
- Random Location of seed: Changes the pattern the noise will have
- Break Big Rocks: (0 to 1) The amount of breakage applied to the big rocks on the texture
- Alien-ise Rocks: (0 to 1) Makes the rocks look like alien rocks on the texture (artistic value)
- Randomize Big Rocks: (0 to 1) The amount of randomization applied to the big rocks on the texture
Displacement Values:
- Big Rocks Displacement: The amount of displacement applied to the big rocks on the texture
- Big Rock Erosion Displacement: The amount of erosion displacement applied to the big rocks on the texture
- Wall Details Displacement: The amount of wall details displacement applied to the shader
- Ground Debris Displacement: The amount of ground debris displacement applied to the shader
- Small Ground Debris Displacement: The amount of small ground debris displacement applied to the shader
- Overall Displacement: The amount of overall displacement applied to the shader
- Displacement Midlevel: Neutral displacement value that causes no displacement. With the default 0.00, lower values will cause the surfaces to be pushed inwards, and any higher values will push them outwards. Can go below 0 to offset higher displacement values
Ground Desert 001

- Wetness: (0 to 1) The amount of ‘wet’ effect that is applied to the shader
- Wet Patch Amount: The amount of wet patches applied to the shader
- Wet Patch Random Seed: Randomizes the wet patch seed
- Wet Patch Random Amount: Randomizes the amount of wet patches applied to the shader
- Edge Fade: Changes the amount of edge fade applied to the shader
- Splotch Amount: The amount/thickness of splotching applied to outside of the ‘wet’ patches
- Hue: Changes the hue of the shader
- Saturation: Changes the saturation of the shader
- Brightness: Changes the brightness of the shader
- Overall Scale: Changes the overall scale of the big rocks
- X Scale: Changes the scale on the X-axis of the big rocks
- Y Scale: Changes the scale on the Y-axis of the big rocks
- Z Scale: Changes the scale on the Z-axis of the big rocks
Rock Shape
- Big Rock Reduction: Reduces the number of big rocks on the texture
- Big Rock Edge Fade: The amount of edge fade applied to the big rocks
- More Rocks: Adds more big rocks to the texture
- Random Seed: Randomizes the seed of the big rocks
- Big Rock Amplitude: The amount of amplitude applied to the big rocks
- Big Rock Edge Height: Changes the height of the edges of the big rocks
- Clearing Seed: Randomizes the clearing seed of the big rocks
- Clearing Strength: The strength of clearing applied to between the big rocks
- Clearing Amount: The amount of clearing applied to the big rocks
Little Rocks Mapping
- Overall Scale: Changes the overall scale of the little rocks
- X Scale: Changes the scale on the X-axis of the little rocks
- Y Scale: Changes the scale on the Y-axis of the little rocks
- Z Scale: Changes the scale on the Z-axis of the little rocks
Little Rocks Rock Shape
- Rock Smoothing: (0 to 1) The amount of smoothing applied to the little rocks
- Compact: Changes the overall compactness of the little rocks
- Erode: (0 to 1) The amount of erosion applied to the little rocks
- Height: Changes the height of the little rocks
- Random Seed: Randomizes the seed of the little rocks
Little Rocks Clearing
- Clearing Seed: Randomizes the clearing seed of the little rocks
- Clearing Strength: The strength of clearing applied to between the little rocks
- Clearing Amount: The amount of clearing applied to the little rocks
- Scale: Changes the scale applied to micro details on the texture
- Intensity: (0 to 1) Changes the intensity of the micro details on the texture
Displacement Overall
- Intensity: (0 to 1) The intensity of the overall displacement of the texture
- Midlevel: Neutral displacement value that causes no displacement. With the default 0.0, any lower values will cause the surfaces to be pushed inwards, and any higher values will push them outwards. Can go below 0 to offset higher displacement values
Rock Desert 001

- Wetness: (0 to 1) The amount of ‘wet’ effect that is applied to the shader
- SSS (Slow): The amount of subsurface scattering applied to the shader. WARNING: may affect performance issues
- SSS Strength: The strength of subsurface scattering applied to the shader
- Random Colour Location: Randomizes the colour location of the shader
- Darken: (0 to 1) Changes the amount of darkness applied to the shader
- Patch Amount: The amount of colour patches applied to the shader
- Large Shape Seed: Randomizes the large shape seed of the texture
- Large Formation Noise: (0 to 1) The amount of large formation noise applied to the shader
- Large Formation Amount: The amount of large formations applied to the texture
- Rock Randomness: (0 to1) Randomises the rocks applied to the texture
- On/Off: Apply cracks to the texture or turn cracks off
- Amount: The amount of cracks applied to the shader
- Smoothing: (0 to 1) The amount of smoothing applied to the cracks
- Random Location Seed: Randomises the seed of the cracks applied to the texture
- Thick/Thin: The amount of thickness applied to the cracks on the texture
- Size: Changes the size of the texture map
- Detail Displacement: The amount of displacement applied to the detail on the texture
- Large Rock Displacement: The amount of displacement applied to the large rocks on the texture
- Small Rock Displacement: The amount of displacement applied to the small rocks on the texture
- Overall Displacement: The amount of overall displacement applied to the texture
- Overall Midlevel: Neutral displacement value that causes no displacement. With the default 0.5, any lower values will cause the surfaces to be pushed inwards, and any higher values will push them outwards. Can go below 0 to offset higher displacement values
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
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Heather @ True-VFX