Because you're a control freak and we know it

- This shows how long each node takes to calculate.
Reject Invalid Links
- When on, you will not be able to connect to incompatible sockets.
- When off, the link will turn red after executing the node tree.
Auto-Connect Fac First
- If off when auto-connecting with math nodes (selecting 2 or more nodes and pressing F or drag and dropping a node over a link) the Fac input will not be connected until all of the other inputs are connected first. If Fac is on it is treated like any other input.
Display Image by Default
- Show the loaded image on the image node by default.
Lazy Load
- Load noise functions only when needed. If off noise functions will load when Blender starts. Will cause Blender to take longer to open.
- Only visible if Multi-Threading Engine is installed
Node Error Color
- What color to make nodes when an error occurs.
Preset Creator Name
- The default author name to automatically put when creating presets.
Fix Presets
- Sometimes updates to NodeScapes will change node inputs and/or properties. This button will attempt to fix known changes. If it doesn’t change the preset correctly please feel free to send us the preset so we can either update this button or send you back a fixed preset if the fix is more than this button can handle.
Refresh All
- Sometimes nodes just need to be refreshed after updating NodeScapes. If you notice a node doesn’t seem to have been updated after updating NodeScapes (new inputs/properties not showing up or labels are wrong) clicking this button will go through all NodeScapes nodes of all NodeScapes node trees and refresh them.
- Here you can activate and deactivate the custom NodeScapes keymaps. You can also change the keymap that calls the function.
Enable Multi-Threading
- Enable the Multi-Threading Engine by clicking this button. NodeScapes will download the engine. Once completed you will need to restart Blender.
Check for Updates
- Check for updates to the multi-threading engine. Checks are also done automatically when Blender is opened or NodeScapes is loaded.
Handle your power wisely
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Monday, July 31, 2023
Friday, August 25, 2023
Author |
Heather @ True-VFX