
Getting Started
Using NodeScapes


How your node tree is laid out

You can organise your nodetree using 'frames' or 're-route' nodes. These are just there to make it easier for you to follow, and see where things are.

Green: Frame
Frames cannot be in a node-tree you intend to save as a preset. This will cause an error when saving the preset.


The Frame node is useful for organizing nodes by collecting related nodes together in a common area. Frames are useful when a node setup becomes large and confusing yet the re-usability of a Node Group is not required.


  • Label Size
    Font size of the label. For example, for subordinate frames to have smaller titles.
  • Shrink
    Once a node is placed in the Frame, the Frame shrinks around it so as to remove wasted space. At this point it is no longer possible to select the edge of the Frame to resize it, instead resizing occurs automatically when nodes within the Frame are rearranged. This behavior can be changed by disabling this option.
  • Text
    When you need to display more comprehensive text, frame nodes can display the contents of a text data-block. This is read-only, so you will need to use the Text Editor to modify the contents.

Editing Keymaps

  • Join in a new Frame
    - CTRL+J (CMD+J for Mac users)
  • Add selected to Frame
    - CTRL+P (CMD+P for Mac users)
  • Remove selected from Frame
    - ALT+P

The Frame node is useful for organizing nodes by collecting related nodes together in a common area. Frames are useful when a node setup becomes large and confusing yet the re-usability of a Node Group is not required.


  • Label Size
    Font size of the label. For example, for subordinate frames to have smaller titles.
  • Shrink
    Once a node is placed in the Frame, the Frame shrinks around it so as to remove wasted space. At this point it is no longer possible to select the edge of the Frame to resize it, instead resizing occurs automatically when nodes within the Frame are rearranged. This behavior can be changed by disabling this option.
  • Text
    When you need to display more comprehensive text, frame nodes can display the contents of a text data-block. This is read-only, so you will need to use the Text Editor to modify the contents.

Editing Keymaps

  • Join in a new Frame
    - CTRL+J (CMD+J for Mac users)
  • Add selected to Frame
    - CTRL+P (CMD+P for Mac users)
  • Remove selected from Frame
    - ALT+P


A node used primarily for organization. Reroute looks and behaves much like a socket on other nodes in that it supports one input connection while allowing multiple output connections.

To quickly add a Reroute node into an existing connection, hold Shift and RMB while sweeping across the link to add a Reroute node.


  • Input
    Input value used for unconnected sockets.

A node used primarily for organization. Reroute looks and behaves much like a socket on other nodes in that it supports one input connection while allowing multiple output connections.

To quickly add a Reroute node into an existing connection, hold Shift and RMB while sweeping across the link to add a Reroute node.


  • Input
    Input value used for unconnected sockets.
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Monday, August 7, 2023
Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Author |
Heather @ True-VFX

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