Noise Type vs Noise Base
The only thing that changes between the images below are the Noise Type and Noise Base. All other settings are defaults

Variable Lacunarity



Create noise of type with given base
- Type:
- The type of noise to calculate
- Coordinates:
- The coordinates to input into the noise function
- Seed:
- Finds a new random offset for the noise
- Angle:
- Rotates the noise pattern without rotating the object
- X Offset:
- Moves the noise in the X axis
- Y Offset:
- Moves the noise in the Y axis
- X Scale:
- Scales the noise in the X axis
- Y Scale:
- Scales the noise in the Y axis
- Base:
- The type of underlying noise to use
- Noise Intensity (H):
- Makes noise more or less pointy. Smaller values increase intensity. This is the fractal increment factor.
- Noise Scale (Lacunarity):
- Scales noise. The gap between successive frequencies.
- Noise Detail (Octaves):
- Level of noise detail. The number of different noise frequencies used.
- Sea Level:
- The height of the terrain above ‘sea level’.
- Gain:
- Scaling applied to the values.
- Amplitude Scale:
- The amplitude scaling factor.
- Frequency Scale:
- The frequency scaling factor
- Distance Metric: (Voronoi)
- Distance, Distance Squared, Manhattan, Chebychev, Minkovsky, Minkovsky Half, Minkovsky Four
- Exponent: (Voronoi)
- The exponent for the Minkowski distance metric
- Distortions: (Variable Lacunarity)
- The amount of distortion
- Hard:
- Changes the noise to have hard edges in certain places
- Turbulence: (Marble)
- The amount of turbulence (randomness)

Create noise of type with given base
- Type:
- The type of noise to calculate
- Coordinates:
- The coordinates to input into the noise function
- Seed:
- Finds a new random offset for the noise
- Angle:
- Rotates the noise pattern without rotating the object
- X Offset:
- Moves the noise in the X axis
- Y Offset:
- Moves the noise in the Y axis
- X Scale:
- Scales the noise in the X axis
- Y Scale:
- Scales the noise in the Y axis
- Base:
- The type of underlying noise to use
- Noise Intensity (H):
- Makes noise more or less pointy. Smaller values increase intensity. This is the fractal increment factor.
- Noise Scale (Lacunarity):
- Scales noise. The gap between successive frequencies.
- Noise Detail (Octaves):
- Level of noise detail. The number of different noise frequencies used.
- Sea Level:
- The height of the terrain above ‘sea level’.
- Gain:
- Scaling applied to the values.
- Amplitude Scale:
- The amplitude scaling factor.
- Frequency Scale:
- The frequency scaling factor
- Distance Metric: (Voronoi)
- Distance, Distance Squared, Manhattan, Chebychev, Minkovsky, Minkovsky Half, Minkovsky Four
- Exponent: (Voronoi)
- The exponent for the Minkowski distance metric
- Distortions: (Variable Lacunarity)
- The amount of distortion
- Hard:
- Changes the noise to have hard edges in certain places
- Turbulence: (Marble)
- The amount of turbulence (randomness)
Blender Noise

Cell Noise

Perlin New Noise

Random Noise

Voronoi Crackle Noise

Voronoi Distance: Chebychev

Voronoi Distance: Distance

Voronoi Distance: Distance Squared

Voronoi Distance: Manhattan

Voronoi Distance: Minkovsky

Voronoi Distance: Minkovsky Four

Voronoi Distance: Minkovsky Half

Voronoi F1 Noise

Voronoi F2 Noise

Voronoi F2F1 Noise

Voronoi F3 Noise

Voronoi F4 Noise

Monday, August 7, 2023
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Author |
Heather @ True-VFX