
Getting Started
Using NodeScapes


All node variations

All Math Node Variations

All Math operations have the ability to blend (Mix) between value 1 and the result of the operation


Italicized words are the names of the inputs


  • Blend the value inputs via the Fac(tor) input


  • The sum of the two values.
  • Value 1 + Value 2
    Ex: 1 + 2 = 3


  • The difference between the two values
  • Value 1 - Value 2
    Ex: 1 - 2 = -1


  • The product of the two values
  • Value 1 * Value 2
    Ex: 3 * 2 = 6


  • The division of the first value by the second value.
  • Value 1 / Value 2
    Ex: 6 / 2 = 3

Multiply Add

  • The sum of the product of the two values with Addend.
  • Value * Multiplier + Addend


  • The Base raised to the power of Exponent.
  • BaseExponent
    - Ex: 32 = 9


  • The log of the value with a Base as its base.
  • logBase(Value)
    - Ex: log(3) = 1.0986122886681098

Square Root

  • The square root of the value.
  • √Value
    Ex: √4 = 2

Inverse Square Root

  • One divided by the square root of the value.
  • 1 / √Value
    Ex: 1 / √4 = 0.5


  • The input value is read with without regard to its sign. This turns negative values into positive values.
  • | Value |
    - Ex: | -2 | = 2
    - Ex: | 5 | = 5


  • Raises Euler’s number to the power of the value.
  • eValue
  • e5 = 148.41315910257657


  • Outputs the smallest of the input values.
  • Returns the smallest value min(Value 1, Value 2)
  • min(3,7) = 3
  • min(10,-8) = -8


  • Outputs the largest of two input values.
  • Returns the largest value max(Value 1, Value 2)
    max(3,7) = 7
    - max(10,-8) = 10

Less Than

  • Outputs 1.0 if the first value is smaller than the second value. Otherwise the output is 0.0.
  • Returns 1 if True, 0 if False Value < Threshold
    3 < 7 = 1 (True)
    - 10 < -8 = 0 (False)

Greater Than

  • Outputs 1.0 if the first value is larger than the second value. Otherwise the output is 0.0.
  • Returns 1 if True, 0 if False Value > Threshold
    3 > 7 = 0 (False)
    - 10 > -8 = 1 (True)


  • Extracts the sign of Value. All positive numbers will output 1.0. All negative numbers will output -1.0. And 0.0 will output 0.0.
    - sign(3) = 1.0
    - sign(-50.758) = -1.0
    - sign(0) = 0.0


  • Outputs 1.0 if the difference between Value 1 and Value 2 is less than or equal to Epsilon.
    - Value 1 = 0.5
    - Value 2 = 0.7
         - Epsilon = 0.0
              - Returns 0.0
         - Epsilon = 0.2
              - Returns 1.0

Smooth Minimum

  • Like the Minimum function but rounded instead of pointed (linear)
  • Smooth Minimum

Smooth Maximum

  • Like the Maximum function but rounded instead of pointed (linear)
  • Smooth Maximum


  • Round Value to nearest whole number
    - 0.5 = 0.0
    - 0.51 = 1.0
    - 5.25 = 5.0
    - 5.75 = 6.0


  • Round Value down to a whole number
    - 0.5 = 0.0
    - 0.51 = 0.0
    - 5.25 = 5.0
    - 5.75 = 5.0


  • Round Value up to a whole number
    - 0.5 = 1.0
    - 0.51 = 1.0
    - 5.25 = 1.0
    - 5.75 = 1.0


  • Returns everything after the decimal point of Value
    0.5 = 0.5
    - 0.51 = 0.51
    - 5.25 = 0.25
    - 5.75 = 0.75


  • Outputs the integer part of the Value
    0.5 = 0.5
    - 0.51 = 0.51
    - 5.25 = 0.25
    - 5.75 = 0.75


  • Outputs the remainder once Value 1 is divided by Value 2.
    - 5 % 3 = 2
    - 5 % 2 = 1


  • Outputs a value between Min and Max based on the absolute difference between Value and the nearest integer multiple of Max less than the Value.
  • Assume Min is 0.0 and Max is 0.1. The result of wrap increase as Value increase. BUT once Value = Max the result goes back to 0.0 and starts over.
    - Min = 0.0
    - Max = 0.2
         - wrap(0.05) = 0.05
         - wrap(0.175) = 0.175
         - wrap(0.2) = 0.0
         - wrap(0.2 + 0.05) = 0.05
         - wrap(0.2 + 3.175) = 0.175


  • Round Value down to the nearest integer multiple of Increment.
  • floor( Value 1 / Increment ) * Increment


  • The output value is moved between 0.0 and the Scale based on the input value.
  • Like Wrap but with a linear progression back down to 0 instead of instantly at 0
    - Scale = 0.2
         - ping-pong(0.05) = 0.05
         - ping-pong(0.175) = 0.175
         - ping-pong(0.2) = 0.2
         - ping-pong(0.2 + 0.05) = 0.195
         - ping-pong(0.2 + 0.175) = 0.025


  • The Sine of Value
  • sin(Value)







  • Outputs the Inverse Tangent of the first value divided by the second value measured in radians.
  • atan2(Value)

Hyperbolic Sine

  • The Hyperbolic Sine of Value

Hyperbolic Cosine

  • The Hyperbolic Cosine of Value

Hyperbolic Tangent

  • The Hyperbolic Tangent of Value

To Radians

  • Converts Degrees to radians

To Degrees

  • Converts Radians to degrees


  • Limits the output to be between the Min and Max
    - Value
    : -1, Min: 0, Max: 1 = 0
    - Value: 2 Min: 0 Max: 1 = 1
    - Value: 0.56 Min: 0 Max: 1 = 0.56

Italicized words are the names of the inputs


  • Blend the value inputs via the Fac(tor) input


  • The sum of the two values.
  • Value 1 + Value 2
    Ex: 1 + 2 = 3


  • The difference between the two values
  • Value 1 - Value 2
    Ex: 1 - 2 = -1


  • The product of the two values
  • Value 1 * Value 2
    Ex: 3 * 2 = 6


  • The division of the first value by the second value.
  • Value 1 / Value 2
    Ex: 6 / 2 = 3

Multiply Add

  • The sum of the product of the two values with Addend.
  • Value * Multiplier + Addend


  • The Base raised to the power of Exponent.
  • BaseExponent
    - Ex: 32 = 9


  • The log of the value with a Base as its base.
  • logBase(Value)
    - Ex: log(3) = 1.0986122886681098

Square Root

  • The square root of the value.
  • √Value
    Ex: √4 = 2

Inverse Square Root

  • One divided by the square root of the value.
  • 1 / √Value
    Ex: 1 / √4 = 0.5


  • The input value is read with without regard to its sign. This turns negative values into positive values.
  • | Value |
    - Ex: | -2 | = 2
    - Ex: | 5 | = 5


  • Raises Euler’s number to the power of the value.
  • eValue
  • e5 = 148.41315910257657


  • Outputs the smallest of the input values.
  • Returns the smallest value min(Value 1, Value 2)
  • min(3,7) = 3
  • min(10,-8) = -8


  • Outputs the largest of two input values.
  • Returns the largest value max(Value 1, Value 2)
    max(3,7) = 7
    - max(10,-8) = 10

Less Than

  • Outputs 1.0 if the first value is smaller than the second value. Otherwise the output is 0.0.
  • Returns 1 if True, 0 if False Value < Threshold
    3 < 7 = 1 (True)
    - 10 < -8 = 0 (False)

Greater Than

  • Outputs 1.0 if the first value is larger than the second value. Otherwise the output is 0.0.
  • Returns 1 if True, 0 if False Value > Threshold
    3 > 7 = 0 (False)
    - 10 > -8 = 1 (True)


  • Extracts the sign of Value. All positive numbers will output 1.0. All negative numbers will output -1.0. And 0.0 will output 0.0.
    - sign(3) = 1.0
    - sign(-50.758) = -1.0
    - sign(0) = 0.0


  • Outputs 1.0 if the difference between Value 1 and Value 2 is less than or equal to Epsilon.
    - Value 1 = 0.5
    - Value 2 = 0.7
         - Epsilon = 0.0
              - Returns 0.0
         - Epsilon = 0.2
              - Returns 1.0

Smooth Minimum

  • Like the Minimum function but rounded instead of pointed (linear)
  • Smooth Minimum

Smooth Maximum

  • Like the Maximum function but rounded instead of pointed (linear)
  • Smooth Maximum


  • Round Value to nearest whole number
    - 0.5 = 0.0
    - 0.51 = 1.0
    - 5.25 = 5.0
    - 5.75 = 6.0


  • Round Value down to a whole number
    - 0.5 = 0.0
    - 0.51 = 0.0
    - 5.25 = 5.0
    - 5.75 = 5.0


  • Round Value up to a whole number
    - 0.5 = 1.0
    - 0.51 = 1.0
    - 5.25 = 1.0
    - 5.75 = 1.0


  • Returns everything after the decimal point of Value
    0.5 = 0.5
    - 0.51 = 0.51
    - 5.25 = 0.25
    - 5.75 = 0.75


  • Outputs the integer part of the Value
    0.5 = 0.5
    - 0.51 = 0.51
    - 5.25 = 0.25
    - 5.75 = 0.75


  • Outputs the remainder once Value 1 is divided by Value 2.
    - 5 % 3 = 2
    - 5 % 2 = 1


  • Outputs a value between Min and Max based on the absolute difference between Value and the nearest integer multiple of Max less than the Value.
  • Assume Min is 0.0 and Max is 0.1. The result of wrap increase as Value increase. BUT once Value = Max the result goes back to 0.0 and starts over.
    - Min = 0.0
    - Max = 0.2
         - wrap(0.05) = 0.05
         - wrap(0.175) = 0.175
         - wrap(0.2) = 0.0
         - wrap(0.2 + 0.05) = 0.05
         - wrap(0.2 + 3.175) = 0.175


  • Round Value down to the nearest integer multiple of Increment.
  • floor( Value 1 / Increment ) * Increment


  • The output value is moved between 0.0 and the Scale based on the input value.
  • Like Wrap but with a linear progression back down to 0 instead of instantly at 0
    - Scale = 0.2
         - ping-pong(0.05) = 0.05
         - ping-pong(0.175) = 0.175
         - ping-pong(0.2) = 0.2
         - ping-pong(0.2 + 0.05) = 0.195
         - ping-pong(0.2 + 0.175) = 0.025


  • The Sine of Value
  • sin(Value)







  • Outputs the Inverse Tangent of the first value divided by the second value measured in radians.
  • atan2(Value)

Hyperbolic Sine

  • The Hyperbolic Sine of Value

Hyperbolic Cosine

  • The Hyperbolic Cosine of Value

Hyperbolic Tangent

  • The Hyperbolic Tangent of Value

To Radians

  • Converts Degrees to radians

To Degrees

  • Converts Radians to degrees


  • Limits the output to be between the Min and Max
    - Value
    : -1, Min: 0, Max: 1 = 0
    - Value: 2 Min: 0 Max: 1 = 1
    - Value: 0.56 Min: 0 Max: 1 = 0.56
No items found.
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Author |
Heather @ True-VFX

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