
Getting Started

First Time Use


This is a pre-alpha build
Please keep this in mind as things may break, or not work an intended. True-Terrain 5 should be installed as specified within the testing channel. Installation and updating system may change in the future.

The N-Panel


The N panel is where you will find all the (current) main functions of True-Terrain 5.xAcross the top of the panel we have tabs for [Geometry] [Shader] [Scatter] . These tabs will be your main working spaces and will control functions respective to the system you're using. For example [Geometry] will only control the manipulation of the object/mesh that has been created.

True-Terrain Tabs

Geometry Tab


Geometry will be the first system you useYou can use the basic functions of True-Terrain's mesh. It has a 256x256 grid with 65,536 faces by default, which is ideal for real-time control and showing details.To adjust your grid, go to 'Grid Settings'. If you select [density], you can set the resolution instead of the vertex count, this is best used if you wish for the detail to stay the same when you increase the size of the mesh. If you choose [Fixed], the vertex count stays the same no matter the mesh size, which could affect quality for larger meshes.The size of the default mesh is set to 1000m (1km). This is inline with other terrain generation tools like GaeaTM and World CreatorTM and should provide more than enough real-estate for you to begin making creations. You can always adjust this value, and any adjustments you have made to the mesh will be relative1.Height Multiplier should be used more as a "post" effect adjustment. This will scale the overall height of the entire mesh, layers and modifiers included. This can make your mesh look stretched or squashed if you have already added layers.

Grid Controls
Grid Controls


Layers are shown in the middle of this tab. Layers will be named based on their type:

  • 'Terrain Noise' is a noise type layer
  • 'Terrain Image' is a heightmap layer
  • 'Terrain Group' is a group layer, which can contain other layers

The [+] will add a new layer type from your choosing.

The [-] will remove the highlighted layer.

the [▲] [▼] will move layer types above, or below the layer respective layers around them.                                                                                    

Layer Window


The lower section of the Geometry UI is where you can find the functions for manipulating the terrain.[Data] houses the core functions of terrain manipulation. You will be able to change the location, rotation and scale of the layer here. If you are using noise, then this will have infinite details. If you are using a heightmap, you can move the heightmap off the mesh if you move it too far.You can also adjust the sub-noise details in this tab2.[Blending] houses the functions of the layer. Here you can control how much the current layer shows through any previous layers, you can choose whether the layer will "clip" the previous layer, or swap to a math function to blend with the previous layer.[Modifiers] is where you can add layer modifiers which will adjust how the layer is displayed, and how it affects the current geometry.

Tab Selection

We have a video (it's not short) going over all the new features

This is a "quick" walkthrough of the features so far. This is less of a follow-along video where we make something, and more of a case of showing you what we can in the quickest way possible. We will have more videos coming soon...

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July 25, 2023
April 4, 2024


Author |
Heather @ True-VFX
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Table of Contents

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