Getting Started
To get started with the addon, follow these steps:
Install the Addon:
- Open Blender 3D and navigate to the Edit menu. Select the User Preferences option.
- In the Addons tab, select the Install from File option. A file explorer window will appear.
- Navigate to the folder where you have saved the postPRO addon ZIP and select it.
- The addon will be installed and will appear in the list of installed addons.
- Select the checkbox to enable the addon and click the Save User Settings button to save the changes.
- Now the addon is ready to be used in Blender 3D. Enjoy
Addon Preferences

Set Up Project Directory: After installing the addon, you need to set up a directory where your projects will be saved. This directory will be used to store the render passes generated by the addon.
Default Passes: These default passes are the ones you use most frequently in your daily workflow. Customize this section by selecting the passes that you commonly use. This will make it easier and faster to set up your render passes for each project.